How Holistic Pelvic Care™ May Benefit You

by Dr. Zoe Kelly Linkletter

Hello NN friends! I am honored and excited to be offering a new service at the clinic called Holistic Pelvic Care™ and wanted to share a bit about it with you.

Holistic Pelvic Care™ is a physical and energetic practice created by Tami Lynn Kent, a renowned pelvic floor therapist, who after many years treating pelvic dysfunction and pain, designed a framework for a holistic approach for treating and preventing pelvic conditions. This is transformative work and I can’t wait to share more of it with you.

As a primary care provider, I provide preventative care thorough screening exams such as pap exams and general pelvic exams. However, there are many other conditions that would benefit from early care and prevention.

Holistic Pelvic Care attends to the physical and energetic alignment of the pelvic bowl and may help with

  • muscle tone

  • energetic vitality

  • pelvic pain

  • urinary incontinence

  • pain with sex

  • lack of sensation

  • changes that happen after pregnancy

From an energetic perspective, many consider the womb (or uterus) the source of creativity that brings life or creation into the world. Sadly, we often lose connection with this part of the body through societal programming, stories of shame or discomfort, painful or traumatic experiences, and/or a lack of knowledge about the basic structure and function of the muscles, organs, and sensitive tissues that create the pelvic bowl of the pelvis.

The practice of pelvic care brings awareness to the pelvic bowl with gentle tending and honoring of this area. It is a holistic form of preventative medicine and it is a way to reconnect with creativity and vibrance, come home to the body, and move through old patterns that are no longer serving us.

Pelvic care sessions include:

  • Assessment of the physical and energetic alignment of the pelvic anatomy with a specific concern in mind or as a holistic form of preventative wellness.

  • Utilization of physical therapy techniques (including intravaginal manual therapy**/massage**) to address concerns such as pain, tension, urinary issues, changes in sexual function; assist in recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and other transformative pelvic events; and restore balance in the pelvic bowl.

  • Embodied encounters with the energetics of the pelvic organs through guided visualization to honor and reconnect with the beauty of the pelvic bowl.

  • Education on anatomy and self-tending practices to take pelvic care home.

If this work calls to you, I invite you to schedule a visit with me to learn more and/or to experience this impactful work in your body.


Dr. Zoe Kelly Linkletter


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