from the Neighborhood Naturopathic & Primary Care Team
Educational Offerings
At Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care we are dedicated to educating our patients in and outside of visits with the most up to date, research-based, holistic approaches to care. In addition to our clinic visits, the below offerings are courses, webinars, or group sessions taught by our team of providers.
FREE Lunch & Learn Webinars
with our provider team
At Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care we offer FREE Lunch & Learn webinars at regular intervals so that you can get time to meet all of our providers, learn about common health topics, and ask your questions!
We invite you to check out our blog which includes articles from our providers on topics surrounding wellness, natural remedies for common illnesses and conditions, introductions to our team members, and more!
Starting Solid Foods RIGHT: Confidently Introduce Food to Your Baby
with Dr. Emily Lesnak
Introducing solid foods to your baby can be a fun and exciting time, but it can often be accompanied by feelings of stress and uncertainty. There are lots of questions that often go unanswered.
This course is custom created by Dr. Lesnak, a naturopathic physician, to guide you step-by-step in the exact approach that will best support your child in this process