What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is a form of healthcare that focuses on identifying and treating the ROOT CAUSE of a disease. Through an individualized approach, it aims to restore health and well-being rather than putting a bandaid on on individual symptoms.

When thinking of root cause or functional medicine, it can be helpful to picture a plant with brown leaves that is not getting enough water, has too much sun, and no fertilizer. The brown leafs are not the issue, it is something deeper (a lack of water, nutrients, and too much sun) that is manifesting through the leafs. In a similar way, many symptoms and conditions have a deeper root cause when we are willing to look at the larger picture for an individual patient.

Functional medicine practitioners approach care through this lens to find the root cause of a patient’s symptoms because they understanding that our symptoms are manifestations of our genes, lifestyle, environment, and more.

Who can practice Functional Medicine?

Any trained medical provider can approach care through a functional medicine or root cause lens. Some providers will go on to receive additional functional medicine training through institutions like the Institute of Functional Medicine or other certification or training programs.

Do any providers at Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care practice Functional Medicine?

In many ways, functional medicine overlaps and is a beautiful compliment to naturopathic medicine. Many of our providers approach care with this restorative lens. Dr. Brie Woodruff, a nurse practitioner and our newest team member, has specific training in functional medicine.

Is this the type of medical care that YOU desire?

If you are not already a patient, we we would love to welcome you to our clinic! You can check out our full services here or schedule a new patient appointment here or by contacting the front desk at (206) 486-8383.

We hope to see you soon!

Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care Team